Omega Fire Service
Omega Fire Service Omega Fire Service
Omega Fire Service
  General Safety

OSIM conducts the training program with dedication and involvement . Visual Presentation, Funs and jokes , Competition, Demonstration, Role play, Drills makes the program lively. This makes participants to participate in the session with more involvement and interaction with trainers. The school conducts Different types of Audit required by an Industry, Safety Training programs , and Personality Development Pertaining to industrial Productivity.

Infra structure Available:
  • Full fledged Training Centre with a capacity to accomodate 60 pax at a time.
  • Experienced faculties in the field of Fire & Safety in Petro chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Engineering & Construction Fileds.
  • Well placed Training modules
  • Competency
  • Good Communication net work.
  • Office with adequate resources.
  • Established market net work for Osim in Puducherry and Tamilnadu.
Safety Training Programs by Osim
  • Safety Management and Practices
  • Trainning on the Financial Practices and Assurances.
  • Behavior based training & human factor Motivation.
  • Manual Handling,
  • Confined space entry
  • Work permit system
  • Departmental Safety Audit Techniques
  • Fire Safety Active / Passive
  • Evacuation Mock Drill
  • First Aid Training
  • Defensive Driving
  • Environment Safety Awareness
  • Statutory awareness - Safety & Environment
  First Aid
  Designed & maintained by Trivam Techno Solutions